Distracted Blueberry, 2019, 273 Min
DISTRACTED BLUEBERRY follows a performance art band through a series of poetic encounters.

Masculine tropes are undone to form a relationship between male sexuality and the human death drive. The body, violence and humour are positioned in the larger context of nothingness and somethingness, bridging a tension between externalized anxieties and the terrors of nature.

Steve Rienke Blurb for Antimatter Media Arts Festival 2019
Mini Documentary
Chaos Reigns Article written by Geoffroy Dedenis
Interview by Clark Buckner at Telematic Media Arts
Infinite Cinemas Article by Borja Castillejo Calvo
Chaos Star of 2020 Article by Geoffroy Dedenis

US/Europe: Video Data Bank www.vdb.org
Canada: Vtape www.vtape.org